About MadeToBreathe:

The Deerfield River, March 2017 near the Stratton Mountain trailhead.

The Deerfield River, March 2017 near the Stratton Mountain trailhead.


Made To Breathe provides you with user-friendly tools to become aware of reality and make the changes you want to make—personally, relationally, vocationally to actually CONNECT with God and to truly CONNECT with people all around you, especially family, neighbors and community.

Made To Breathe is a nonprofit providing recipients, donors, business partners, advocates and volunteers proven ways to help people embrace reality and make changes that can deeply transform lives and relationships, careers and communities.

You are invited to share in the vision for transformed lives, marriages, families and communities—starting right here in the Flathead Valley of Western Montana where we live and work.

you are nearer to a loving God than you might think. 

You actually can learn to love well the people in your life—the way God loves you. 


Through Christ you are already near to God: 

  • You have already been adopted by God into his family as daughters and sons through what Christ did for you in his life, death and resurrection.

  • Despite your brokenness, woundedness, no matter how damaged you may feel, you are close to God’s heart through his Son Jesus!

  • You don’t have to work to try to get close to Him—just slow down, stop and contemplate the reality that God loves you.

  • Because of what Christ has done there is nothing between you and God—nothing to keep you from his love for you. Nothing.

Your biggest question is no longer: How am I doing? But, How can God be so incredibly good to me?! How can God be truly glad to be with me?!

Not only this, but,

You can learn to love well the people in your life—the way God loves you. 

  • You can learn to love yourself the way God loves you.

  • You can love the people in your life in actual concrete actions which provide real value, freedom and joy to people’s lives.

  • Real, gradual, radical transformation can happen in your life, in your relationships, in your family and in our communities—from Montana to Africa.

  • The secret is learning to generously love the people in our lives.

A natural question is: How well am I loving all the people in my life?

This is where Made To Breathe can help. By providing you with user-friendly tools (books, videos, courses, websites, resources) to help you become aware of God’s love and to make the changes you know you need to make.

WHO is Made To Breathe for?

Everybody and anybody who wants to see the God they already believe in become part of their transformation and the transformation of their loved ones and community.

Made To Breathe is not interested in gaining members or selling anything, (if you can’t afford to buy these resources scholarships are available. Text Jim at 802.380.2142) but rather, in acquainting people with resources and providing user-friendly tools to help people—right where they live and work—to be aware of reality and make the changes they want to make for transformation personally and relationally. 

To help people become aware of the most significant reality of all—the God who loves them and wants them to love him and love others well. 

What kind of community would it be if people could learn how to love well? What kind of relationships would we have? Families? "What peace we often forfeit", the old hymn goes, "all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer." 

So go to the HOME PAGE and tap CHECK IT OUT. Wanna chat with someone locally? Text Jim at 802-380-2142.

Now, here’ a sweet granddaughter video!